TJI Pioneers Upcycling of Surplus Pork Belly into Lifestyle Products

Repurposing Central Kitchen’s Surplus Pork Belly into Lifestyle Products

Tam Jai International is proud to become the pioneering restaurant group in Hong Kong to utilise surplus pork belly in upcycling, extending the brand’s innovative spirit to encompass ESG principles, nurturing young talents for green innovation, fostering community care and infusing society with positivity.

The Upcycled Product Series features a lemon lip balm, handmade soap and scented candle. The oil base of these three products is derived from surplus pork belly from the central kitchen of TamJai Yunnan Mixian and TamJai SamGor Mixian. With the addition of lemon essential oil, almond oil and other natural ingredients, the products give a refreshing and delightful fragrance. All packaged with a chic pouch and playful stickers, this collection not only radiates charm of the upcycled products in a light-hearted manner, but also serves as a warm reminder for the public to prioritise their wellbeing and that of their loved ones.

A Pioneering Collaborative Initiative across Catering, Social and Academic Sectors

The Group’s R&D Department teamed up with teachers and students from the Higher Diploma in Food Technology and Safety at Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) to extract oil from the pork belly using ground-breaking technology, subsequently transform the oil into renewable material and repurpose into unique lifestyle products after the addition of essential oils.

Trainees in mental recovery from the  New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association were trained by instructors and guided through the entire production process of upcycled products.

Students from the Higher Diploma programmes in Visual Communication Design and Advertising Design at Hong Kong Design Institute showed their keen sense of aesthetics by applying creativity and talents to design a mascot character “Porky Angel”, symbolising the abundance of green and innovative ideas it can bring to brighten up people’s lives.

Upcycled Product Series Available at Designated Stores

The Upcycled Product Series is available at 20 designated TamJai Yunnan Mixian and TamJai SamGor Mixian stores from March 10, 2025 onwards until stock lasts, with a portion of the sale proceeds allocated for charitable purposes.

Click here for store details.